Is there a feature for simultaneous editing?

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Hello. I have a question about simultaneous editing feature.

It seems like there is a feature for simultaneous editing in reactgrid. (
You can see cells selected by other clients by changing the border color.

Does Handsontable have a feature to change the border color as well?
And I also want to know if it supports simultaneous editing feature.

Thank you.

Hi @bloodstrawberry.libr

We do not have any live tutorials on how to achieve collaboration functionality.
However, it is possible while using the beforeOnCellMouseDown and beforeChange hook and setDataAtCell() method.

Now, when it comes to a cell highlight, that would also be possible by calling setCellMeta() method along with render(), but you will need to remember that applying any visual changes (here a border) would require the table to rerender. And when table rerenders the cell editor is automatically closing.

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