I am using theme feature from v15 and I am observing some weird behavior.
Background : Using handsontable v15 with react v18
Issues :
When passing theme Name to handsontable, if I apply dark theme, it will get override with any store changes in my application and reset to base theme. This is reproducible every time I load the page and change any input or click anything elsewhere in the application.
If I apply any css class as a action for afteChange hook and try to edit any cell, I see latest css class gets applied which just change the background color but I see alighment of text change for that perticular case if I have all the text centrally aligned, it resets to left align.
hotInstance.addHook(“beforeChange”, (changes, source) => {
changes?.forEach((item) => {
hotInstance.setCellMeta(item[0], item[1], “className”, “updatedCell”);
}); -
Documentation is not proper to add any new custom theme. The link refernace to copy existing theme css content, points to scss file. Is there anyway can I have compiled non-minified css file which I can use.
Overall I see quite a few cosmetic issues with this new version.