Key value dropdown (didnt mean to delete topic)

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007f8b23d52ea0>

Hi This library seems to do what I want but I cant get it working with angula 8, is there another workaround that allows key vaule pairs on dropdowns within handsontables or intergrating this library. I’ve seen this listed in a few comments online, but they don’t seem to quite fit what I want to do.

Hi @ben.warren

This isn’t our product.
So you have to ask about Angular 8 to the owner of this repo.

Does handsontables offer any simular features.

It’s quite odd not to have key value pairs on dropdowns. I’ve worked around this issue but it is still not an ideal way to code dropdowns.

Unfortunately, we don’t have this feature yet.
And honestly, I don’t know when we will work on this feature.

You should ask your question in this repo -
Maybe they will be able to help you.