Link two tables

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007f8b28d34c48>

I have a scenario where I am displaying 2 tables.
Table 1 has columns:
row# col1 col2 col3
1 abc def ghi
2 lmn xxx xxx

Table 2 has columns:
row# displaycode displayvalue
1 someval someval

Now in table2, row# column is clickable and when the value in the column is clicked , I should highlight the row in table1 and take the cursor to that row.
For example, here when ‘1’ is clicked in table2, I should highlight row #1 in table1 and cursor should be taken there

How can I achieve this?


Welcome @krishI have made a demo with your data.

Can you specify what cell do you click and where the focus moves?

I will just change the TABLE2 values to be clear, if TABLE2 has values
abc displayvalue
lmn somevalue

In the TABLE2, if abcis clicked, I should highlight the row 1 and take cursor to that row

you can use the selectCell method and then the getCellEditor.

Can you add those methods on the demo that you created.
selectCell may probably select that cell not the entire row right?

Actually you can pass a range there (the name is a bit misleading).

ps. I cannot create a whole example for you, but I can help if you’d encounter any difficulties.

Sure. I should be able to use the table1 instance to selectCell which is all together in a different component.

Hey @krish

how’s the implementation?

I am using javascript function which dispatches an event with the row#.

Great. Thank you for an update. It seems like the topic is moving well.

If you’d need anything please create a new topic.