Loading data

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007efc605f1c58> #<Tag:0x00007efc605f1ac8>

since upgrading to 14.5.0, my angular handsontable setup does not load data. I can see the correct number of cells are rendered, but there is no data in them. Here is now I am setting up the table


    hotId: string,
    colHeaders: string[] | undefined,
    data: T[][] | Handsontable.RowObject[] | undefined,
    columns?: Handsontable.ColumnSettings[] | undefined,
    dataSchema?: Handsontable.RowObject | undefined,
    extraSettings?: Handsontable.GridSettings
  ) {
    try {
      this.columnHeaders = colHeaders;
      this.hotableInstance = this.hotRegisterer.getInstance(hotId);
      let settings = this.hotableInstance.getSettings();

      settings = this.readonlySettings;
      settings.colHeaders = colHeaders;
      settings.columns = columns;
      settings.dataSchema = dataSchema;
      settings = { ...settings, ...extraSettings };

      settings.copyPaste = {
        columnsLimit: environment.hotable.copyPaste.columnsLimit,
        rowsLimit: environment.hotable.copyPaste.rowsLimit

      settings.data = <any>data;

      settings.beforeCopy = this.beforeCopy;
      settings.beforeChange = this.beforeChange;
      settings.afterLoadData = this.afterLoadData;
      settings.afterChange = this.afterChange;
      settings.afterGetColHeader = this.afterGetHeaderFn;
      settings.afterCreateRow = this.afterCreateRow;
      settings.beforeRemoveRow = this.beforeRemoveRow;
      settings.afterRemoveRow = this.afterRemoveRow;
      settings.beforeRefreshDimensions = () => {
        return false;

      return this.hotableInstance;
    } catch (err: any) {

Hi @matt.parma

I wasn’t able to replicate the same issue.

Would you be able to replicate the issue using our main demo at https://handsontable.com/docs/javascript-data-grid/angular-basic-example/ or send me a .zip to test it locally?

Hi @matt.parma

Do we have any updated regarding this issue?