Making the columns collapsible when the headers are dynamic

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007efc705fd5c0>


Is it possible to add collapsing column to a dynamic header in Angular. I am not specifying header details in the settings, the headers are dynamic, so there can be n number of columns(headers). Is there any way we can achieve it

below example:-
grid with dynamic header

Here the header is dynamic, So can i add a new header on top of it such that it is collapsible.

Hi @shinoyjose009

If you use colHeaders: true, you have as many headers as columns. However, with nestedHeaders (that adds collapsible option), you need to define the array of objects where each object collects headers` labels and colspans.

You can pass a function that would build the following array based on the dataset you pass. But I would need to know a bit more about the functionalities you plan to use and the data structure that you load into Handsontable to share some more tips.