manualColumnMove and adding a column

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007efc72825788>


I have a problem adding a column on a specific position after dragging a column to a certain position.
See fiddle (

So in my table I have 4 columns (car, year, color, color2),
when I move color to the first column (color, car, year, color2)
and then click on the add column button, model should be added to the 2nd column (car, model, year, color),
but instead I get (car, color, model, year)

The problem does not occur when you immediately click the add column button without moving the columns first.

Thank you.

Hi @namihihii

I investigated the case and I have to admit that this is an issue in Handsontable. I reported it to the official Githu board at and will update you as soon as we fix it.

Hi @namihihii

I rested the example and it seems that the issue is gone. When we use this demo and click the button, the column is added on the right index and so is the column header label.