Mathjax and Handsontable

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I am a neophyte here, but I was wondering if there is any documentation with using mathjax to render latex on handsontable?

A second question is if anyone has embedded handsontable into a ckeditor infrastructure?

Regards and thanks,

Hey @dlarsen

we do not have official support for mathjax but we are in the cooperation with CKEditor.

Here’s the page for Handsontable in CKEditor v4 and the documentation

The CKEditor integration is nice to see. It looks qualitatively similar to your spreadsheet-viewer effort.

Hooking in mathjax may be just an issue of DOM timing and would be cool to have.


I assume that you’ve already tried that out out and stumbled some issue. Can you describe them or provide some screenshots?

Hi @dlarsen

have you had some time to do the tests?

Hey @dlarsen

I guess that we can close the topic as there are no updates. Feel free to create a follow up topic or send me an email to if you’d like to continue the topic.