I have a array which indicates data length and I want to create a handsontable with merged cells according to the count defined by the length array.
If the array contents are [7, 3] then the first column merging should be as follows,
The first merge should start at row 0 and the row span should be 7 and colspan should be 1 and col should be 1. The first merge is working as desired. when I move to second merge, what should be the contents. In my set up the second merge contents are as follows, the row is 7, rowspan is 3, colspan is 1 and col is 1. But I’m not getting the desired output.
Can you provide a example depicting the above scenario or tell me where my logic is wrong.
Thanks in advance
Merge cells dynamic creation
Can you please share a code demo with your current implementation? It would be easier to check the problem this way.
Hi @adrian.szymanski
I found that there is some issue with the logic I wrote and I updated the logic and it’s working fine. But I have one more doubt.
When I do the merging dynamically it gives some warnings as follows,
“The merged cell declared at [9, ] has both “rowspan” and “colspan” declared as “1”, which makes it a single cell. It cannot be added to the collection.”
Is there anyway I can supress this warning.
Thank you for the update. I’m glad that you were able to find the solution. As for the error, it still would be easier to see your implementation in a code demo to check what might be wrong.