Merge cells warning

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007efc6562f5f8> #<Tag:0x00007efc6562f490>

Hi there,
I am getting below warnings in the console,
“The merged cell declared at [2, 13], overlaps with the other declared merged cell. The overlapping merged cell was not added to the table, please fix your setup.”, I want to know the reason of why such warning rises and how to avoid them. Because I doubts this messages hampering performance of my project.

Hi @rupeshfend

Please send a code demo showing your current configuration. Without it we can’t see what might be causing this warning.

Hey I got the solution later, I was passing duplicate merge data in settings. Due to which such warning raises in console.
Thank you, for your response


OK, thank you for the update. I’m closing this topic then.