Migration to Version 11.1.0

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007efc6b6d6140>

Im trying to migrate from Version 8.1.0 to 11.1.0 and it seems like there have been changes to the DataManager plugin, but i can’t find anything about it in one of the migration guides. The plugin is not found anymore.

import DataManager = Handsontable.plugins.DataManager;
(hotInstance.getPlugin(‘nestedRows’).dataManager as DataManager).cache

Hi @benjamin.zorn

This plugin isn’t (and wasn’t before) available through our official API. Since version 11.0 we introduced modularization within our frameworks wrappers and that could cause the change.

If you are already taking advantage of modularization you can try to import the whole Handsontable package and access the plugin through it.