Min-height attribute for Handsontable

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007f8b1886bac8>


when I’m using dropdown functionality due to height issue, I am not able show all the dropdown option for the user if the rows are minimum. If I have fixed the height, I am able to see all the options for 1 or 2 rows. If rows are exceeding more than the defined height they are overlapping. How can we fix this issue.

Hey @aravindsainath.nagoj

can you share an example with your implementation?

when I clicked on dropdown it is displaying like this

I understand how it looks (your description above was completely fine) I would just need you code (preferably in JSFiddle) to check if we can make it better.


I have fixed this issue, by setting the height attribute of Handsontable based on the rows length. It works fine.

Thanks for your support :slight_smile:

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Thank you for an update.

I guess that we can close the topic.