Mocking handsontable in jasmine

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007f8b1db70098>

In my angular app, I need to mock the handsontable in angular test cases and write tests for handsontable methods such as onchange , afterSetDataAtCell etc.
I tried below,
class MockHotRegisterer extends HotRegisterer {
getSelected() {
getDataAtCol = function(col) {
return false;
class MockHotTable extends HotTableModule {
columns: [
renderer: (instance, TD, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) => {
countRows = function () {

afterSetDataAtCell = function (e: MockEvent) {


In my tests, I have
const mockHotTable = new MockHotTable();
component.columns = mockHotTable.columns;
component.tableInstance = mockHotTable;

But doesn’t seems to be working.

I am sorry but we do not have any examples on how to create tests @krish

I can ask our developers to write the tests for you but this is a commercial service. If you’re interested in this offer please contact me at

OK got you. I will let you know

If you’d need anything else you can also write me at the same email.