Multi Select Dropdown in handsontable pro 5 for angular 8

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I am using Handson Table pro 5 version with angular 8.2.14 version.
I have tried to implement multi select using below links:

First Approach:

Using above approach, it won’t even show the handson table and says require() is not a function .
on debugging, it keeps going into newRequire()function in handsontable.js.

So not sure hot to fix it.

Second Approach:

Also checked the above one, and unable to replicate the same since it is for older handsontable editor and chosen is not working properly, not sure why may be due to some version incompatibility.

Can you please suggest something to implement multiselect dropdown in handson table?

I am going to present the demo on Monday to my team and if this feature is not present, I am afraid we have to drop the idea of using handsontable for the Client.

Really Appreciate if any help if provided regarding this

Hi @vgupta1192

The handsontable-multi-select and handsontable-chosen-editor solutions are not provided nor maintained by Handsontable.

Handsontable currently does not provide a built-in multi-choice solution. However, you can use our predefined editors and renderers to create that functionality. Here is a tutorial on how to create a custom editor, and here is a tutorial for custom renderers However, it might be easier and faster to use any of the external solutions and adjust the changes needed to make that code follow the newer API.

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Is there any timeline when it will be implemented?

Hey @vgupta1192

We have this functionality in our Roadmap, but we are fully booked with other tasks in Q2-Q3 of 2021.

Hey @aleksandra_budnik

Thanks for the quick response

I have tried the above custom editor example in angular 8 typescript and handsontable pro 5 and when extending the Handsontable editor, it is showing error that editor is not found in Handsontable.

Can you please check with your angular developer team regarding how to implement it in angular 8

Hi @vgupta1192

Handsontable v8.4.0 supports up to Angular 11. It should also work well for Angular 8.
I recommend working on this demo (Angular 8 with Handsontable v8.4.0)

Hi @vgupta1192

I’m closing this issue as there are no further questions. However, please contact me at if you’d find anything you’d like to discuss.