Any possibility to multi select item using checkbox randomly,
You can simulate a multi-selection by changing the background color but to perform some action of the seleceted data you would need to add some extra logic.
What you would like to do with the selected data, and do you mean selecting whole rows with the checkbox?
i will select the checked data and do some manipulations done in right side.
Bu in your demo there is no checkbox or multi select option available? i read in your old forum it will be a new feature but not yet released?
i am referring this issue
That is correct @AAA
The feature is added to our to-do list, but it doesn’t have any set dead-line.
Here is a demo with a checkbox and background However, as I wrote before it only changes the background. You won’t be able (for an example) to use DELETE button to erase all the data. You would need to create a custom array and after changing the checkbox state use the array to perform some operations.
how we can select all items? actually in this demo it is a column right? we need it is in first column and header also need checkbox to select all the items . and loop through the items need to take the selected value of checked item?
so the feature is not yet released right?
Yes, it is not yet investigated.
To select all columns you need to call
instance.selectCell(0,0, instance.countRows(), instance.countCols())
If you need to get a value of selected items I would create a helper array and push
which is a selected row index to the array.
Ok… Any idea regarding this investigation? when to release or like?
My actual recruitment is
Is there a possibility to select several (rows is not mandatory are adjacent). For example, select row 1 and 3 and do not include row 2. like wise
column header need check box and all the rows of first columns is checkbox like in grid view.
i find in your all forum and site but i didn’t find anything regarding this. so could you please take it as a new request and implement in future releases?
we do not provide the following feature. You would need to create a custom dropdown menu feature to accomplish this goal.