Navigation with hidden columns and rows and mergeCells

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007f8b1d62e058>

I have a Handsontable with hidden columns and hidden rows and merge cells.

When I use the keyboard navigation Handsontable focus is hidden row / column.

I have an example in jsfiddle bellow:

If you navigate in rows you’ll see. If I try insert values in hidden cell I have this :

Any Help to fix this problem?

Best Regards!

Hi @dit
Thank you for sharing this issue.

Hi, thanks for your reply.

Best regards!

I know that I saw this issue already reported somewhere and I’ve been already searching for it. I will update this issue as soon as I will find the related case.


Hi @dit
I didn’t find the relates issue but I’ve already marked this one as a bug. Still there’s no workaround.

Hi @dit

I just wanted to let you know (but I guess that you already know about it)

That the issue that we’ve talked about is gone.

Here is an updated demo
Now we cannot select any hidden cells.