Nested Rows HTML renderer

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007efc6a32ae98>

I am using the Nested Rows plugin for my HOT.
I would like to edit the Columns prop to set a column as renderer: html and some other columns as editor: false.

I got this working on a normal version without the nested rows plugin with no problems. It seems to me like i can’t use the columns property when using the nested rows plugin.
I am using the react wrapper and this is the values I pass in the prop:

            editor: false
            editor: false
            editor: "text",
            editor: "text",
            editor: false,
            renderer: "html"

The table does render but with no data in the cells.

I am wondering if it is at all possible to use the columns prop together with Nested Rows or if there is some other way to set a col as HMTL renderer.

Here is a video showing the problem:

Hey @billy_degraaf

here is an example with

  • react for Handsontable
  • HTML in last column
  • columns use
  • nested rows use

Let me know if you’d need anything else.

Thank you! I didn’t know I had to define the data prop in the columns. That was the difference.

No problem. Please feel free to open a new ticket when needed.