NestedHeader doesn't show up on latest Chrome

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007efc6510b6a8>

‘NestedHeader’ doesn’t show up on latest Chrome browser.
With handsontable 7.1.1 it doesn’t.
But with 7.1.0 it does!
So i changed handsontable with version 7.1.0 on my service site for workaround
until 7.1.1 fixed, (or maybe chrome browser fixed…)

below is 7.1.1 (headers are gone)

now 7.1.0


It works the same for both versions on our official example

Can you share a demo where the issue can be replicable?

That demo page is authorized area so you need to join membership in Korean, which i’m afraid you hardly can do…

Here are more captures
i found that this visibility option can toggle the headers’ show-up with version 7.1.1
but with version 7.1.0,
the headers are always shown whether this visibility option is on or off

The .css file did not change from this element from version 7.1.0 to 7.1.1.
Here is a list of changes

Maybe you’d be able to pass your settings into JSFiddle to replicate the issue?