ngHandsontable integration in angular js

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007f8b1da86ad8>

I want to add filters on hot-table and unable to add it.
I have tried using this code.

<hot-table settings="{ filters: true, dropdownMenu: [‘filter_by_value’,
‘filter_by_condition’,] , afterChange: afterChange}"
licenseKey= “non-commercial-and-evaluation”

Hi @mjunaidkhan94

Here you can find an example in Angular with filters and dropdownMenu enabled:

Hi @adrian.szymanski, thanks for you reply but i guess it’s implementation of angular 2 and onward but i need to implement it on Angular 1.

I see. I was able to find and modify an example based on Angular.js but it will work properly only with very old version of Handsontable:

hot table is showing only one column when i click on it, then all columns and data will be shown and how to use afterOnCellMouseDown in angularjs(angular 1) hot-table. Can you give any sample.



?? @adrian.szymanski
Can you please help?

Hi @mjunaidkhan94

My colleague is out of the office today.

What browser/system do you use to test his demo? When I open it up I see two columns (instead of one)


and the filters are working correctly


Hey @mjunaidkhan94 do we have any updates regarding this issue?