No header on file export

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007f8b1aff72b8>

I am trying to export a csv file with headers but the header is not exporting

var exportPlugin1 =  this.hotRegisterer.getInstance('exportFile');

exportPlugin1.downloadFile('csv', {

  bom: false,
 rowHeaders: true,
  columnDelimiter: ',',

  columnHeaders: false,

  exportHiddenColumns: true,

  exportHiddenRows: true,

  fileExtension: 'csv',

  filename: 'POs_[YYYY]-[MM]-[DD]',

  mimeType: 'text/csv',

  rowDelimiter: '\r\n',


Hi @jsavage

Within this piece of code you have enabled the export of row headers (green) and disabled column headers (red).

As I assume you also what the column headers (red) to be exported. If so, you should change the false to true in the colHeaders option.

ps. please note that if you are using nestedHeaders they will not get attached (this functionality is not yet supported).

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