Non adjecent row selection

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007f136688f498> #<Tag:0x00007f136688f128>

I wanted to know as keydown is there anything for keyup.


We don’t have any hook on our API for checking keyup event, so you need to use native JS method:

Hi, Can you tell me how to use deselectCell() method on a separate button click

Hi @tejasmurkya

Yes. First you have to set outsideClickDeselects to false in the table configuration, and then basically call the deselectCell method with the button.

Here’s an example:

Okay Thank you so much.

Hi Adrian,
I am minimizing and maximizing the browser with help of maximize button on right top of browser not through dragging.
So on maximizing, the width of handsontable remains in previous that is minimized state.

Hi @tejasmurkya

Handosntable isn’t responsive in any way by design, so any resizing should be done programatically with updating the height or width on the table accordingly to desired viewport size.
