We are using version 1.5.1 PRO which include the new dependency to Numbro for formatting numbers. We are getting the Handsontable library through bower.
We want to use the formatting with another locale the en-US but when we do so, Numbro throw an error stating that the locale is unknown. As per Numbro’s documentation the locales are supported in a separate file language.js.
However while the release includes Numbro inside the main handsontable.js file it does not include the language.js. And said file is not part of “main” files declared in the bower.js.
Since we are automating our build process with gulp in combination with the main-bower-files, the language.js does not get picked up and we are now forced to add it manually in our build process…
So we would like that the language.js embedded in the main file. As a matter of fact, why is Numbro embeded in the main file rather than being a bower dependency?
Thanks and regards,
Eric Gaspard.