numericFormat German

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007f8b2a10e408>

How could i use the german numericFormat, also i use like this
numericFormat: {
pattern: ‘0,0.00 $’,
culture: ‘de-DE’, // use this for EUR (German),
// more cultures available on

It just show me the US Format
the Euro Symbol is not necessary, but where can i change “1,000.00” to “1.000,00”.

Hi @w.omar

this demo with

type: 'numeric',
        numericFormat: {
          pattern: '$0,0.00',
          culture: 'en-US' // this is the default culture, set up for USD

is used to set up a language in Vanilla applications. Do you use any JS Wrapper (Angular, React, Vue)?

yes i use Angular, i don’t know where i should look for the language.

Let me create a sample code for you, @w.omar . It should be ready for tomorrow.

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I was able to create a demo. I’ve removed the node_modules to keep it lighter. You can download the app the here

Generally, everything is just set up in the component.ts file. I’ve made a full set (language + culture) for de-DE

import { Component } from '@angular/core';
import Handsontable from 'handsontable';
import 'handsontable/languages/de-DE';
import numbro from "numbro";
import languages from "numbro/dist/languages.min";

  selector: 'app-root',
  templateUrl: './app.component.html',
  styleUrls: ['./app.component.css']
export class AppComponent {
  language = 'de-DE';
  languages = Handsontable.languages.getLanguagesDictionaries();
  title = 'demo';
  tableSettings: {};

    this.tableSettings = {
      data: [[3.90,5,5],[6,7,8]],
      rowHeights: 30,
      contextMenu: true,
      language: 'de-DE',
      columns: [{
        type: 'numeric',
        numericFormat: {
          pattern: '0,0.00 $',
          culture: 'de-DE' // use this for EUR (German),
          // more cultures available on
      }, {}, {}]


It works finally, thank you aleksandra =)

Great. Thank you for update @w.omar
If you’d need anything feel free to send me a message -

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