numericFormat use of mantissa?

How do we use the mantissa\trim mantissa options for numericFormat? ie below, I noticed the usage is slightly different for handsontable based on this

Basically I’d like to set the mantissa to 2 decimal points following my pattern like this?

“numericFormat”: {
“pattern”: “0.00”,
“type”: “decimal”,
“trimMantissa”: false,
“mantissa”: 2

Hey @christopher.renaud

here’s a fixed example

Ok thanks for the speedy response! it seems I need to upgrade to the latest handsontable version 7.0 to use this since the numbro version I have listed is < 2.0

-- handsontable-pro@6.2.2 +-- handsontable@6.2.2 |– numbro@2.1.1 deduped
±- hot-formula-parser@2.3.3
| -- @handsontable/formulajs@1.2.3 |– numbro@1.11.1
`-- numbro@2.1.1

We have added the support for Numbro 2.0 in Handsontable 4.0.0
Release notes

got it! ok thanks for your help on this

You’re welcome @christopher.renaud

I’m closing this issue but if there’s anything else you need please create a new one or send me an email