Open Filter dropdown using javascript

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007f8b19da6dc0>

I have setup pills to let the use know what filters in what columns are active.

I would like to be able to trigger the column filter menu when clicking on the pill. I am looking at the documentation and I cannot figure out how to do that. I see it allows me to open it using coords but where do I get those coords? and will that do more than just open a non-functional dropdown?

Hi @jeff_goldberg

Yes, you can do that. Here’s an example: The only thing you need to add to make it work correctly is to also select a cell/column to which you are referring, so you will get fully functional dropdownMenu in the position you want.

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this great. but how do i get the coords to open it where it would open if the user click the arrow in the header?

actaully ignore that. I figured it out! thank you

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