Outermost table retains focus

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007efc65336a18> #<Tag:0x00007efc653368b0>

I’ve seen a few examples of nested tables working, but in each, the nested tables cannot be edited. The input is directed at the outermost table only. Is there a way to have nested handsontables where the nested table cells can be edited?

This example is the closest to what i’m trying to do with nested tables, I just need to be able to edit the nested row data.
Handsontable Nested Grid (codepen.io)

Another example I found in these forums, but still the nested table is not editable

Hi @mvanderhelm

Thank you for contacting us. Handsontable currently doesn’t support nested tables, so each of the solution that can be found is more of a workaround. The implementations you sent are based on displaying the another Handsontable instance inside a merged cells through a custom renderer. This is the reason why the editing is disabled there, as if it would be possible the nested table will crash.

So at the moment it is possible to display the nested table, but the editing is not possible.