Pasting CSV liek data from clipboard?

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007efc651b09f0>

Was looking around the doc, googling and found no valid information.

I tried the demo - but whenever i try to paste anything csv like(tab, comma, semicolon etc delimited values), it just pastes all those values into each column.

Is there a way to actually paste CSV like data into rows (if there are only 10 columns and csv data has 5 values - fill those first 5)?
Is it beyond the capability of this library or is it still possible?

Hi @mauro.tamm

It should work fine with the CSV data. Here’s what I’m testing.

Can you share a file that produces the issues?

ps. the website that I’m testing it on is

That’s when you copy from excel - I think it uses some custom spacing symbol.

When yo ucopy simple CSV like “test;test;test” it won’t work. or with any other delimiter.

Maybe this issue is related to this one happen to return to us at v 4.0.0