I have a handsontable which bind with dynamic table. And the HOT has formulas on cells, Cell event, afterChange, beforechange events for validation. if the table have more than 400 columns and 50 rows, gets hanged on mentioned events.
its fine when the table is smaller.
var hot = container.handsontable({
data: Data,
rowHeaders: false,
colHeaders: false,
maxCols: dynamicColumns.length,
colHeaders: headerColumns,
columns: dynamicColumns,
formulas: false,
invalidCellClassName : ‘’,
// readOnly:readOnlyFlag,
hiddenColumns: {
columns: handsontableHiddenColumns
autoInsertRow: false
manualColumnResize: true,
manualRowResize: true,
cells: function (row, col, prop)
afterChange: function (changes, source) {},
beforeChange: function (changes, source) {}, etc
Please suggest me an idea to reduce time since on every change all the cells are rendering again.
Thanks in advance.