Performance is low in handsontable when huge rows of data is in table

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007efc64b6e420>


We are using handsontable in our application, the Performance is very slow when trying to do CRUD operation in the table while on huge rows of Data most likely to be 1000 rows.

The performance is better when there is less than 30 to 40 rows of data.

Is there any way to improve the performance?

The version we use is Handsontable v9.0.1.


Hi @kvengadachalam

Do you use batching for those operations?

It was introduced in Handsontable v8.3.0

If you do and still have those issues I’d need to ask for a demo. As it is a second case today where it will be easier for us to do a code review please contact us at with the details regarding both cases.


Batching function, hot.suspendrender() & hot.resumerender() helped us to improve performance. Now, Stability is much better than before.


I’m more than happy to hear that @kvengadachalam. Thank you for the update.

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