Performance issue for applying style by using "setCellMeta" in the forloop

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007efc6510ff50> #<Tag:0x00007efc6510fdc0>

Hi Support,

I have encountered performance issue for applying style by using “setCellMeta” in the forloop. The UI is hanging and freezing over 30 to 1 minute untill all styles applied completly inside “afterInit” or “afterRender”.

The snippet is called by afterInit or afterRender:

Any solution that can solve the freezing so that user can still operate when applying the styles to cells.


Hi @anderson.lee

Can you please create and share a minified demo where the issue can be replicated? This way it will be easier to determine the problem.

Hi @anderson.lee

as @adrian.szymanski is at a conference, I wanted to update the subject.

Ad Adrian mentioned a demo would help a lot. I see that the render() is outside the loop, and the setCellMeta() itself doesn’t trigger rerendering, so there should be no noticeable changes in performance. But maybe that cell meta applies is used by another logic - then it could likely have an effect on table re-loading time.