Plugins `columnSorting` and `multiColumnSorting` should not be enabled simultaneously

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007f8b1d9a00d8>

HI Team,

I am getting the following error:
'Plugins columnSorting and multiColumnSorting should not be enabled simultaneously.

Although my settings are :
stretchH: ‘none’,
manualColumnResize: true,
rowHeaders: true,
columnSorting: true,
filters: true,
contextMenu: true,
headerTooltips: true,
autoRowSize: false,
manualColumnMove: false,
manualRowMove: false,
dropdownMenu: true,
formulas: true,
multiColumnSorting: false,
sortIndicator: true,
licenseKey: environment.handsontableKey,
fillHandle: {
autoInsertRow: false,
fixedRowsBottom: 0

Not sure why this warning is coming in console on updateSettings(localSettings) if I try to make pass columnSorting: true in localSettings again

Hi @02paru

In the code above you should not get the warning, but you will if you change multiColumnSorting: fals, to multiColumnSorting: true .

If you enable both sorting mechanisms at once you may encounter indexing issue.

Hi @aleksandra_budnik, Strange thing is I am not changing the setting multiColumnSorting at all.
I am just changing columnSorting settng from true to false.

Hi @02paru

is there any progress on that issue or any new observations?