Poor scroll performance with hidden columns

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007f8b1d9c1aa8>

We have a large table with many hidden columns and seeing a lot of jankiness when scrolling both vertically and horizontally. I’ve tried a number of things, but the main issue seems to be that there are too many columns being rendered because the hiddenColumns plugin doesn’t remove the hidden columns, it only sets their width to 0.

I’ve created a jsfiddle to demonstrate: https://jsfiddle.net/tkane2000/s1qc8gu3/17/
The issue is more pronounced on our website, presumedly because we have custom renderers, etc.

Is there any way to lessen the impact of hiddenColumns on scroll performance? I’ve fiddled with viewportColumnRenderingOffset, but auto seems to perform the best. viewportRowRenderingOffset didn’t help either. Also, we’re using manualColumnResize, unsetting it and setting colWidths to 100 seemed to help a tiny bit, but, again, not a sufficient solution.

Btw, my apologies, but I wasn’t aware that the forums existed and went ahead and created a issue: https://github.com/handsontable/handsontable/issues/5839
…more details there!


Hey @tkthompson

it is OK. The Github is actually the best place to talk about it as there we place news about bugs.

The https://github.com/handsontable/handsontable/issues/5769 and https://github.com/handsontable/handsontable/issues/4381 should get your attention. One of them is about the impact on the performance when we hide some columns. The second one related to overall performance but was created by our core developer, who’s responsible for the performance subject in this quarter.

Hi @aleksandra_budnik! This being a very important issue to us, we’d be interested in funding a solution. If that’s an option, can you please let me know what a full solution might be (#3370, #5769, #4381, ?) and provide a cost estimate?

Feel free to send a direct message or email me if you’re able to get my address from the forums.


Thank you for your feedback. Our CTO is not fully available today but I can ask him to examine those issues and tell us if it’s possible to make those changes before the eco-renderers and how long it would take.

Sorry for the confusion, by “full solution”, I mean anything to get the scrolling performance improved. From what kristof said, it sounds like the ecorenderers will have more impact than anything else. So my question is, is there an option to fund that to get it done sooner? Also, what would it cost to fund the other tkts?

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Hey @tkthompson

I will send you an email.