Prevent dropdown close on click of custom item

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007f8b1d0afc08>

Hi, How can I disable close of dropdown menu on click of custom dropdown menu.
I have created some checkboxes on the dropdown and as soon as i click its getting closed.
I want to be able to click on checkboxes and then on ok button.

and also how to add events to custom buttons placed inside dropdown menu

If Possible please add the code to this fiddle

Thanks in advance

Hi @nihalshetty48

I’ve already replied to your email with the same question. But if someone on forum would be looking for the answer, here it is

The isCommand option specifies if clicking on the option show close the menu (and execute what’s in the callback. Here it is applied for the first option in line 35 .

ps. as we already have this issue on emails. I will close this ticket.