Problem while importing registerAllModules in React

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007f1365bd1b70>

I am having problem when accesing path “baseurl/demo” directly, the error is like this

I was got the same error because importing
import { registerAllModules } from “handsontable/registry”;
it says window undefined, i try to use dynamic import but it just work for component

if i go to “baseurl” first and then going to “baseurl/demo” it works, no error

Note* i am using React(NextJS)

Hi @khoironidev

Could you share your application code and specify did you updated to a newer version and discovered this error or this is your first attempt to build the project?

the error is like this

I think that we have a similar thread here Handsontable instance without window but in both cases, we were not given a code sample where the issue can be replicable

Hi @khoironidev

Do we have any updates on this topic? Any demo where the issue can be replicable would help us to replicate the issue.