I have continue to struggle with a bug using the React wrapper and creating a custom renderer that I use in the first 2 columns of my grid, In my case, those 2 columns are frozen. The bug, which has been acknowledged here is that if you use the react HotColumn and have a custom renderer in a frozen column, when you scroll, the data in the cells disappears. From what I understand, there is no fix planned for this…at least nothing in the near future.
I am trying to see if there is another approach I can take here? The column in question contains an Integer value. I simply want to show an Icon in this column…and when a user clicks it, I bring up a detail page. A custom Renderer would work fine, if it wasn’t for the bug mentioned above…and I cannot go back and remove the react wrapper at this point.
Is there another possible way I can display an Icon in this column without a custom renderer? What are my options?