React setState issue with afterValidate

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007efc728104c8>

I’m trying to set state in React based on validate status (afterValidate), but it seems like the setState call breaks the default behaviour of the Handsontable validate function.

When this.setState is commented out (line 21 in example), the numeric cells will be marked red when entering text, as expected.
But when active, setting state triggers loadData (detected by afterChange) and the cell validation status seems to be overwritten.


Do you have any tips on how to solve this?

Hey @dag

thank you for sharing the demo and the description. I have shared the demo with our programmer. You should get some tips soon.

Hi @dag
Aleksandra is out of the office and she asked me to help with your request.
Our developer has prepared a demo for you, let me know if you find it helpful.



I believe that we can close the topic, as there’s no reply. If you still need some guidance please write me at