Reduce height of row with large data

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007efc6516a8b0> #<Tag:0x00007efc6516a770>

In my table there is a cell with large text. After rendering the row height is fixed up to the cell height. I cannot reduce the height although i have set manualRowResize: true. How can I enable it. It will be also fine if the cell have a min height and the large text overflow will be hidden. I can manually resize to see the text / double click to see the text

Hi @sajjadraihan217

Can you please send a code demo representing the issue? It would be easier to propose a solution this way.

@adrian.szymanski, I am sharing sample code below:

Here, the Notes column has very large data. I cannot reduce row height by dragging upward. But I expect, when the table loads initially, rows will have a fixed height and I can read full text by resizing rows / double clicking the Notes cell.

Hi @sajjadraihan217

This correct behavior by design, as decreased row height can’t be smaller than current column width. However, there is a solution to this, it’s not perfect but it will allow you to decrease the row height and incresase column width: It’s just an example so you can modify it to your needs.