Redux Implementation for columnSorting / dropdownMenu

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007f8b1d80b830>

I am trying to implement a handsontable with columnSorting as well as the dropdownMenu options while updating the redux store correctly… If looking at the react wrapper combined with redux store example listed on the documentation, if the columnSorting and dropdownMenu plugins are added, the redux store has to update to the correct row index as well… (As the rowIndex now has changed when applying a filter… ) Because the redux example is using the “onBeforeChange” function, how can you keep track of the current row index when it doesn’t correspond to the correct row/column index in the redux store?

Hey @maxelson

I do not personally work with redux but I have asked our developer to investigate the subject. Once I get his reply I’ll be back with news.

Welcome back @maxelson

I just got a demo from our developer. Can you check it please It looks like the index synchronisation works well. Can you redesign the demo or attach yours?

Hey @maxelson

have you had time to create a demo? I highly encourage to use the one that I’ve send to you as a base.

I believe that I can close the topic as there’s no reply for 10 days. If I’m wrong and you still need some guidance please send the demo to