Reference range in a formula editor

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007efc64e00f80> #<Tag:0x00007efc64e00da0>

Hi all.

Please have a look here:
I have a similar problem. I need to reference a range of values in a formula editor. It deselects as soon as I start dragging. Can someone help me with this please?

Thank you

Hi @ali.jibran

Currently, drag & drop option isn’t supported in Handsontable. Can you please provide more details on your requirements here?

Hi Adrian.

Sorry about the confusing I didn’t mean drag and drop. I meant selecting multiple cells and referencing them in an already selected cell.
I can reference a single cell but as soon as I start selecting multiple the editor closes. I hope that makes sense. Thank you.


Thank you for the details. Something like this might be hard to achieve, as in your implementation you are getting only the column labels with row numbers. So that’s not really a selection event, which when fired will automatically close the editor.

It could possibly be done with creating a custom editor, but we don’t have such examples. Here’s a guide about how you can create a custom editor in general: