Remove Column Grayed Out

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007f135d027c78>

I had the similar issues like in

since this is closed , i had to reopen.

I am using defined column name and tried to implement remove_col., But it seems greyed out. I am using handsontable 8.2 .

var data = fixJsonQuote(;
var columns = fixJsonQuote(responseData.columns);

        //dataSchema = getDefaultHandsonValue(columns);

        var settings = {
            data: data,
            colHeaders: true,
            rowHeaders: true,
            //stretchH: 'all',
            columnSorting: false,
            //search: true,
            fixedRowsTop: 0,
            fixedColumnsLeft: 1,
            contextMenu: contextMenu,
            columns: columns,
            minSpareRows: 0,
            manualColumnResize: true,
            //manualColumnMove: true,
            afterLoadData: function () {
            allowRemoveColumn: true


This is urgent, can you help me on this

Can I have the sourcecode, so that it can be useful

Hi @kamatya

Here’s a demo with some comments
Let me know if it is helpful.

Hi @kamatya

I’m just checking if my demo was helpful. If you need anything more than that feel free to send me an email at