Render HTML on dropdown menu while filter

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007f8b28ee5380>


How to get rid of rendering HTML content on the dropdown menu while filtering? If the cell or whole column’s cell contains HTML data, when we apply the filter, in the dropdown list it is displayed as HTML content,
How do we show only the text not with HTML content while filter?

The following table contains HTML content in the first column.

Hey @subashdbc

you need to strip the data from HTML and pass it via custom renderer like so

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Thanks for your reply. That works, but I have stored cell’s data with some of the references like data-* attributes on HTML content, So we read the data from the DB and assign it to data: []. I hope filter takes the values from the data object. So is it possible to render html on the drop down menu content ?
Is there any possible way to do with the above scenario?

@aleksandra_budnik Can you suggest me the way to achieve this?

You can use the setDataAtCell method if you have a couple of cells which differs from others when it comes to HTML format

@aleksandra_budnik, Of course, I can use setDateAtCell that, but when it comes to hundreds of data then it takes much time to load. Is there no way to achieve that?

If the dataset is larger you’d need to rewrite the dataset to a compatible one. I am sorry but I do not see any other choice to load the data without lags.