Row height with merged cells and fixed columns changes when scrolling horizontally

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007efc6deb5288>

Hi there,

I created a table using mergedCells and fixedColumnsLeft. A merged cell in the table has a long string which is word wrapped and its row height is higher than the others. When I scroll to the right end, the row height changes to smaller unexpectedly.

Actually I read some similar topics and tried autoRowSize: true. In this case, the row height keeps well even if scrolled to the right end. However, the height is too big and the row has huge extra space. I think it’s because the long string is wrapped within width of the 1st cell though the cell is merged until the 3rd cell.

My sample is here:

I need both no height change and not too high. How can I solve this issues?

Hi @kouichi.tanizaki

This issue has been reported on our official Github board at and became a part of the scope of

The following issue hasn’t been added to the scope of the Roadmap for the upcoming quarter. However, I will notify you once that changes.

Hi @kouichi.tanizaki

Good news! The issue is solved in v14.0.

New demo to test