Row heights is increased when scrolled to the right side

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007f51c5e7bb20>

HI Team,

When we scroll to the right side of handsontable using horizontal scroll bar,we see that the row heights are not maintained(increased) we tried using autoColumnSize and autoRowSize options as suggested in the below link but did not help.Can you please help?

Hi @martin.barbosa
if you would have a minute to create a JSFiddle/JSBin demo I’d be happy to take a look. You just need to share your grid settings (without any additional inputs/page structure).

We tried adding the below code snippet. I can see the row height is not increased if we have less number of headers. If we have more number of headers(columns) the I still see that the height of the row is increased when we scroll to the extreme right. Can you please help us on this issue

Code snippet:
rowHeight: function (row) {
return 50;
defaultRowHeight: 50,

Hi @martin.barbosa
There was only one typo, it’s rowHeights not rowHeight, demo:

we tried using rowHeights but no luck.We have created JSfiddle for our issue .In this example ,if we enter more data in one cell(B2) the height of the row is increased. But once we scroll to extreme right,the row height is adjusted to normal height.please find the JSfiddle demo here :

in this example I’ve added autoRowSize: true: and I think that now it’s working as expected. Can you confirm?