In our application, if there is huge rows of data like 1000 lines. The Save call is very slow. Tried batchRender functions as well. Still unable to solve the issue.
Added save code here,
let rowNewIndex = [this.coords.row]; // Signifies only the current selected row
instance.validateRows(rowNewIndex, (valid: any) => {
if (valid) {
loaderStatus = false;
if (this.editedRows.length) {
if (this.newlyAddedRows.length == 0) {
const payLoadUpdate = this.payLoadForSave(this.editedRows, ‘update’, prefix.updateRequestPayload);
this.dccService.getTableDetails(prefix.updateAPI, payLoadUpdate).subscribe((response: any) => {
if (response.status === ‘SUCCESS’) {
this.editedRows = [];
this.itemCode = ‘’;
this.resetTableSpecifications(response, this.editedRows, this.newlyAddedRows,
this.deletedRows, ‘update’, item, index, typeofsave); // Function call to refresh the table and call expected api calls
The above code is faster when there is less than 50 rows of data in handsontable.
I am restricted to share the full code due to confidentiality and unable to reproduce the issue with demo code, as we have lot of customizations to the table.
Is there any possibility to avoid performance delay on save?