Scroll past last row

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007f8b2404e820>

Hello everyone,
I’d like to make the table scrollable past the last row, meaning that somehow I’d like to have a margin after it.
Is it possible? I’ve tried with CSS to select the last child adding margin but it seems like the amount of scroll is not affected. Any tip?
Thanks in advance,

Hi @ammlyy

Generally we don’t suggest modifying margin within Hadnsontable component as it may result in errors in rendering the table. However, there’s one workaround I can think of in order to achieve what you want.

You can add some “artificial” rows in the bottom and then use afterGetRowHeader hook to remove the row headers. Then you can make use of custom borders to make them in the color of the background. Additionally you can set the editor to false in those rows so they won’t be clickable.