Scrolling + Redering Issues part 2

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007f135c367588>

I am having an issue very similar to the one mentioned in this post

I have close to 200 rows in two columns with this configuration:

    hotteams = new Handsontable(teamscontainer, {
        data: data_teams,
        minSpareRows: 0,
        viewportRowRenderingOffset: 200,
        colHeaders: true,
        contextMenu: true,
        colHeaders: ['Available Team', 'Region']

When the data is first rendered on the screen, only the first column shows up, although empty space ( not empty cells ) is reserved for the missing column. If I click on any of the cells in the first column suddenly the second column will show up, but the first column has about two thirds of its rows disappear. When those rows disappear, the cells also go away leaving in their place scroll-able white space.

Watching the DOM during this process I noticed that the table element initially only has one TD element inside of each TR. After clicking on the cell, suddenly two TD elements appear, however about two thirds of the TR elements are removed from the DOM. So it is not a styling issue, there is some problem in the javascript itself.

I added the setting viewportRowRenderingOffset: 200 as suggested in the referenced thread, that partially solved the issue. Now the second column is still missing and shows up when I click on a cell in the first column, however the rows in the first column no longer disappear.

Hi @jereme.guenther

if the example from the quoted topic doesn’t help you please share a demo where we’d be able to replicate the behavior and test some approaches.

I tried to create a JSFiddle of it, but in jsfiddle it worked correctly.

I assume that means that there is some javascript method or event that is colliding with another method or event in my environment. I am going to have to dig deeper to figure out where that collision is.

I see. So I assume that we can close the issue. We can reopen it when you find anything that will help us to solve the issue.