Scrolling sideways is slow and laggy

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007f8b1cfc7778>

I have a handsontable with about 45 columns, hence the table has to scroll sideways, however, the sideways(horizontal scrolling) is very slow and laggy. How do I optimize to make it faster?

Hi @magneticdigital1

by default, Handsontable should scroll like this (1000 rows and 1000 columns). If it slows down you should check if you can improve here or you have some settings that are resuing rendering.

thank you but I don’t quite understand the suspend rendering. any jsfiddle I could refer to?

Here is an example where batching can be used. Try to load 100 rows of data with and without batching checkbox.
Batching should be considered everywhere when you use a method which by default triggers cell renderer (like setDataAtCell). I’ve also been told that batching the whole updateSettings speeds it up.

I’m closing this issue as there is no feedback for more than a month.
If you still need any guidance, please create a new ticket or message me at