Searching values from Handsontable in Angular 12 or above

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007f8b1cf23bc8>

Hi team,

I am trying to implement “Find and Replace” functionality in Handsontable using Angular 12 but getting a lot of syntax errors.

Please find the JSFiddle example which I’m referring to:

Kindly provide an example for Search (& Replace if possible) in Angular 12.

Thanks in advance.

Hi @sam

I noticed that you are using very old version of Handsontable in this example. If you update it to the newest one the functionality will work:

Hi @adrian.szymanski,

Thanks for quick reply.

I’m using Handsontable V12 with Angular 12.

The example you provided is also giving me same syntax errors:

Can you please provide same demo in Angular 12 ?
It would help alot.

Thanks in advance.

Hi @sam

Sorry for the delay, but it was quite a challenge. Here’s the working demo rewritten fully for Angular:

Hi @adrian.szymanski,

Thanks for the solution in Angular, it worked for me.

I have one more request. In same example how can I find exact value and replace ?

In the example above, it is only searching the exact match and replacing the cell, likewise how can I add this logic in above angular code?

Hi @sam

Thank you for pointing that out, one method was missing. Now it works exactly like VanillaJS example: