Server Side Pagination

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007f51b9ad1a80>


We are considering to use handsontable and the only feature that is missing for us is “server side pagination”.
We have thousands of records and we don’t want to load all of them from the server at once.
Is there any plan to support server side pagination?

Hi @liat.katz

We do not have any server-side examples but Handsontable is prepared to handle server side operations. The problem may occur only for filtering as the API is not ready for server-side filtering yet.

Hi Aleksandra,

We are currently in the process of evaluating a few options for an Excel like component, the server-side paging capability along with the support for sorting/filtering is crucial for our decision. So if you can help us understand better on the status of these capabilities it can help us a lot with the decision. Can you let us know when it’s going to be available? can we see some examples?


Before we will be able to open the code for filters we won’t be able to allow for the server-side pagination. Currently, you cannot pass an external list of choices via filter_by_value filter (shown below)

the list is built from the visible data in the instance (not an external data in your database).
You are still able to use the filter by beforeFilter callback but you would need to create your own option (custom dropdown menu option). Where by reading the input value you send a request to the server to get an amount of rows that pass the condition and then load then via loadData to the Handsontable instance.

Do you have an example for server-side paging (without supporting in filter capability)?


Hi @liat.katz

unfortunately, as I wrote yesterday, we do not have any server-side examples. Only a quick tutorial on how to load data via ajax