Set back ground color for row and column headers

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007efc64e05990> #<Tag:0x00007efc64e05828>

Hi Team,

We are working on rows and columns headers. There a requirement. some part of the grid is static and based on some condition grid will be extended. so the extended grid should be displayed with different back ground color. Could you please help me to achieve this.


Hi @vikramsimha.reddypot

Thank you for contacting us. Here’s an example showing how it can be done: We are using cells option and afterGetColHeader hook here to attach a custom CSS class.

HI @adrian.szymanski,

Thanks for your replay. In the above example you have demonstrated with static column and rows
but our requirement is apply color from specific columns and data is dynamic. We don’t know from which index specific columns will start . Could you please help me in this.



In this case you would need to use the same logic as I presented, but also use updateSettings method to call it inside afterCreateRow or afterCreateCol hooks.